Born and raised on the Eastern Shore of Maryland Richard started at the early age of five attending the local auction trails, storage units sales and estate sales with his uncles peddling whatever he could flip for extra money. At the age of 18 Richard joined the United State Marine Corps. While in the Marines as a logistics specialist he attended numerous Military DOD sales buying out of use and unwanted surplus items and selling them all over the south to numerous avenues such as military surplus stores and individuals. At the time only Active Duty Military personnel were allowed to attend these DOD sales and Richard found a need and supplied it to other who were unable attend these sales yet still had need for out of stock or surplus military goods. After a ten year stint in the Marines Richard joined a large Property Management company managing over 140 Commercial and Residential Units procuring numerous items for clients and tenants at affordable cost through various avenues. Richard opened his now full time business in 2012 serving a need to the community to make things easy on families during hard times or a move yet all the while providing affordable products to consumers in a tough economy without paying retail prices.